From Surviving to Thriving!!

It is my hearts desire to create a safe place for people who are seeking a real and meaningful relationship with Christ Jesus. Many of us have grown up in 'religious systems' that dictated how we were to relate to our Savior. Many of us were left with more questions then answers! Many of us were left with more fear then faith! Many of us were ignored and cast out when we did not measure up! Many of us have been so disillusioned by the 'church system' or 'ministry machine' that we lost sight of who we are in Christ. This blog is a meeting place for those who are trying to return to their first love, Jesus Christ!! Welcome to a fellowship that will speak to the issues through the lens of the Word of God. My journey has been long but I see the absolute relevance of every experience that I encountered!! The battle is for our minds and we need each other to navigate this journey home!! Welcome!
aka kingsdaughter

Monday, June 6, 2011



1 comment:

  1. One of the most difficult dynamic for survivors of any type of abuse to the role that they unconciously play to empower their perpetrator.I am not talking about children who are at the mercy of abusive parents, but adults who have insight into their recovery but finding themselves recreating abusive relationships! Working with others for over 18 years in a variety of settings, I have seen first hand the destructive effects on the quality and at times the length of a persons life. Being a survivor and now a thrivor i am absolutely amazed at the web of deception that underlies so called christian and loving churches....I am not singling any out at this time as it crosses all denominational and doctrinal lines. Usually when an adult survivor joins an unhealthy church system they will feel a certain familiarity with it as it is often shame based and rigidely legalistic around some pet doctrine. they will throw the word Jesus around enough to create a smokescreen that tells you that they are right and you are wrong!! Trust your instincts as they are God given.....Trust your personal relationship to Christ and if you are not sure what condition that relationship is in...Ask Jesus to clear it up....The Spirit of Christ will manifest in such a poerful way that you will wonder how you missed it. Being a discerning Christ follower does not mean means submittng to God first. To many are submittedm only to a man/woman and have forgotten to please the One who bought them!! Jesus is waiting for you to pursue Him. He waits for His bride with much anticipation. He wants to show you great and marvelous things!!!You are blessed and i pray that you find Him now!! Anne Dowell aka Kingsdaughter
